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Why Can't We Be Friends

I'm sure we've all heard references to the Truth Bureau from the novel 1984, but it's only been an example until now. Recently YouTube has changed its policy allowing individuals to remove warnings from their channel. At first I was skeptical, but by the end I was completely amused by what was going on.

If you allow YouTube to re educate you and give you an opportunity to change behavior your warning will be removed after 90 days. At first I thought this would be a good way to understand why I was given a warning anyway so I could better dispute them in the future. After only 2 questions I caught on really quick to what was really going on.

To understand what YouTube is really trying to accomplish you must first understand a policy put out by the Aspen Institute called "Digital Literacy". This policy allows teachers to re educate and correct students should the students ideology not align with the teacher or the official narrative given publicly. In the same way this was proposed to be adopted into the classroom this policy is now being adopted by tech companies like Google.

After completing this re education training so that I can improve my social credit score on YouTube and remove a warning I realized how dangerous this really is. In an era of 5th generation warfare where nothing can be trusted to begin with, the waters are being muddied even more by enforcing a political or ideological narrative that may be, in fact, misinformation. This is being done all in the name of truth and transparency, but it looks like its more for the purpose of controlling information through the controlling of the official narrative.

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